Your IAHSS Alberta Chapter is committed to supporting its members and their personal development. Effective January 1, 2019 an Education Fund will be established to assist IAHSS Alberta Chapter members in their professional development.
How it works
Two separate sponsorships per calendar year of up to $500 CAD will be awarded to those IAHSS members that have been in good standing for a minimum of two years. Sponsorships will be awarded based on application submission to the Chapter Committee. Successful recipients will be decided by Committee vote, upon review and consideration of 3 factors ~ length of time as a member, applicability and relevancy of training, and grade achieved (where applicable).
How to apply
Interested members must email Ed Colbourne, Chapter Chair to put their name forward for consideration. Applicants must include how long they have been a member with IAHSS, the name of the course they have completed, proof of completion and grade, cost/proof of payment, as well as a brief summary detailing the relevancy of this course as it relates to the Healthcare security industry.
Terms and conditions
This educational fund will cover reimbursement of professional development fees in actual costs. Funds will be reimbursed in CAD funds in the amount paid by the candidate (proof of payment required). The sponsorship will only be paid after successful completion by the applicant. Costs for re-testing will not be covered, nor will costs for study materials or related fees and expenses. The candidate agrees to have their name, photo and other information as mutually agreed between the parties used for promotional purposes by the chapter. Only one sponsorship per member, per calendar year will be awarded. Committee will review and vote on all applications received by April 1st of each calendar year. If one or more sponsorships remain available after April 1st a second review and vote will occur on September 1st of that same year.